Usage: jsonlint [ ...] [--] inputfile.json ... With no input filename, or "-", it will read from standard input. The return status will be 0 if the file is conforming JSON (per the RFC 7159 specification), or non-zero otherwise. GENERAL OPTIONS: -v | --verbose Show details of lint checking -q | --quiet Don't show any output (except for reformatting) STRICTNESS OPTIONS (WARNINGS AND ERRORS): -W | --tolerant Be tolerant, but warn about non-conformance (default) -s | --strict Be strict in what is considered conforming JSON -S | --nonstrict Be tolerant in what is considered conforming JSON --allow=... -\ --warn=... |-- These options let you pick specific behaviors. --forbid=... -/ Use --help-behaviors for more STATISTICS OPTIONS: --stats Show statistics about JSON document REFORMATTING OPTIONS: -f | --format Reformat the JSON text (if conforming) to stdout -F | --format-compactly Reformat the JSON simlar to -f, but do so compactly by removing all unnecessary whitespace -o filename | --output filename The filename to which reformatted JSON is to be written. Without this option the standard output is used. --[no-]keep-format Try to preserve numeric radix, e.g., hex, octal, etc. --html-safe Escape characters that are not safe to embed in HTML/XML. --sort How to sort object/dictionary keys, is one of: alpha - Sort strictly alphabetically alpha_ci - Sort alphabetically case-insensitive preserve - Preserve original order when reformatting smart - Sort alphabetically and numerically (DEFAULT) --indent tabs | Number of spaces to use per indentation level, or use tab characters if "tabs" given. UNICODE OPTIONS: -e codec | --encoding=codec Set both input and output encodings --input-encoding=codec Set the input encoding --output-encoding=codec Set the output encoding These options set the character encoding codec (e.g., "ascii", "utf-8", "utf-16"). The -e will set both the input and output encodings to the same thing. The output encoding is used when reformatting with the -f or -F options. Unless set, the input encoding is guessed and the output encoding will be "utf-8". OTHER OPTIONS: --recursion-limit=nnn Set the Python recursion limit to number --leading-zero-radix=8|10 The radix to use for numbers with leading zeros. 8=octal, 10=decimal. REFORMATTING / PRETTY-PRINTING: When reformatting JSON with -f or -F, output is only produced if the input passed validation. By default the reformatted JSON will be written to standard output, unless the -o option was given. The default output codec is UTF-8, unless an encoding option is provided. Any Unicode characters will be output as literal characters if the encoding permits, otherwise they will be \u-escaped. You can use "--output-encoding ascii" to force all Unicode characters to be escaped. MORE INFORMATION: Use 'jsonlint --version [-v]' to see versioning information. Use 'jsonlint --copyright' to see author and copyright details. Use 'jsonlint [-W|-s|-S] --help-behaviors' for help on specific checks. jsonlint is distributed as part of the "demjson" Python module. See BEHAVIOR OPTIONS: These set of options let you control which checks are to be performed. They may be turned on or off by listing them as arguments to one of the options --allow, --warn, or --forbid ; for example: jsonlint --allow comments,hex-numbers --forbid duplicate-keys The default shown is for strict mode Default Behavior_name Description ------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- forbid all-numeric-signs Numbers may be prefixed by any '+' and '-', e.g., +4, -+-+77 allow any-type-at-start A JSON document may start with any type, not just arrays or objects forbid binary-numbers Binary numbers, e.g., 0b1001 warn bom A JSON document may start with a Unicode BOM (Byte Order Mark) forbid comments JavaScript comments, both /*...*/ and //... styles forbid control-char-in-string Strings may contain raw control characters without \u-escaping warn duplicate-keys Objects may have repeated keys forbid extended-unicode-escapes Extended Unicode escape sequence \u{..} for non-BMP characters forbid format-control-chars Unicode "format control characters" may appear in the input forbid hex-numbers Hexadecimal numbers, e.g., 0x1f forbid identifier-keys JavaScript identifiers are converted to strings when used as object keys forbid initial-decimal-point Floating-point numbers may start with a decimal point (no units digit) forbid js-string-escapes All JavaScript character \-escape sequences may be in strings forbid leading-zeros Numbers may have extra leading zeros (see --leading-zero-radix option) forbid non-numbers Non-numbers may be used, such as NaN or Infinity warn non-portable Anything technically valid but likely to cause data portablibity issues forbid nonescape-characters Unknown character \-escape sequences stand for that character (\Q -> 'Q') forbid nonstring-keys Value types other than strings (or identifiers) may be used as object keys forbid octal-numbers New-style octal numbers, e.g., 0o731 (see leading-zeros for legacy octals) forbid omitted-array-elements Arrays may have omitted/elided elements, e.g., [1,,3] == [1,undefined,3] forbid single-quoted-strings Strings may be delimited with both double (") and single (') quotation marks forbid trailing-comma A final comma may end the list of array or object members forbid trailing-decimal-point Floating-point number may end with a decimal point and no following fractional digits forbid undefined-values The JavaScript 'undefined' value may be used forbid unicode-whitespace Treat any Unicode whitespace character as valid whitespace warn zero-byte Strings may contain U+0000, which may not be safe for C-based programs