Change history for demjson python module. Version 2.2.3 released 2014-11-12 ================================= * Fix return value of "jsonlint" command. It should return a non-zero value when an error is reported. GitHub Issue 12: * Fix unit test failure in 32-bit Python 2.x environment. This bug only affected the unit tests, and was not a problem in the code demjson module. GitHub Issue 13: Version 2.2.2 released 2014-06-25 ================================= This minor release only fixes installation issues in older Python 3 environments (< 3.4). If you are using Python 2 or Python 3.4, then there is nothing new. Once installed, there were no other changes to the API or any aspect of demjson operation. * Workarounds for bugs in Python's '2to3' conversion tool in Python versions prior to 3.3.3. This was Python bug 18037: * The will install correctly in Python 3 environments that do not have the 'setuptools' module installed. It can now make use of the more limited 'distutils' module instead. * The unit tests will now work without generating DeprecationWarning messages under certain Python 3 versions. Version 2.2.1 released 2014-06-24 ================================= Minor changes. * HTML use: A new encoding option, 'html_safe', is available when encoding to JSON to force any characters which are not considered to be HTML-safe (or XML-safe) to be encoded. This includes '<', '>', '&', and '/' -- among other characters which are always escaped regardless of this new option. This is useful when applications attempt to embed JSON into HTML and are not prepared to do the proper escaping. For jsonlint use '--html-safe'. $ echo '"h"elloworld]]>" | jsonlint -f --html-safe "h\u0026quot;ello\u003c\/script\u003eworld]]\u003e" See also CVE-2009-4924 for a similar report in another JSON package for needing a way to do HTML-safe escaping. * Bug fix: If you created an instance of the 'json_options' class to store any options, and then attempted to make a copy with it's copy() method, not all of the options stored within it were copied. This bug is very unlikely to occur, but it was fixed regardless. * Tests: The included self-test scripts for demjson should now pass all tests when running under a narrow-Unicode version of Python. It should be noted that the statistics for strings (max length, max codepoint, etc.) may not be correct under a narrow-Unicode Python. This is a known issue that is likely not to be fixed. Version 2.2 released 2014-06-20 ================================= [Note, version 2.1 was never released.] This release fixes compatibility with Python 2.6 and any Python compiled with narrow-Unicode; fixes bugs with statistics; adds new file I/O convenience functions; as well as adding many new enhancements concerning the treatment of numbers and floating-point values. * Python 2.6 support is now fixed (tested with 2.6.9). * Narrow-Unicode: demjson now works correctly when used with a Python that was compiled with narrow-Unicode (BMP only) support; i.e., when sys.maxunicode == 0xFFFF. Note that narrow-Pythons simulate non-BMP characters as a UTF-16 surrogate-pair encoding; so string lengths, ord(), and other such operations on Python strings may be surprising: len( u"\U00010030" ) # => 1 for wide-Pythons len( u"\U00010030" ) # => 2 for narrow-Pythons With this release you may encode and decode any Unicode character, including non-BMP characters, with demjson just as if Python was compiled for wide-Unicode. * Statistics bug: In certain cases some of the decoding statistics results -- obtained by passing 'return_stats=True' to the decode() function -- were not getting set with the correct count. For example the 'num_bools' item may not have reflected the total number of 'true' or 'false' identifiers appearing in the JSON document. This has now been fixed, and more thorough test cases added to the test suite. * Negative NaN bug: Fixed a bug when decoding the JavaScript literal "-NaN" (a negative NaN) that caused a decoding error. Now it correctly produces a Python equivalent NaN (not-a-number) value. Since the sign of a NaN is insignificant, encountering a "-NaN" which would have triggered the bug was quite unlikely. * decode_file: A convenience function 'decode_file()' has been added which wraps the 'decode()' function and which reads the JSON document from a file. It will correctly open the file in binary mode and insure the file is closed. All other options supported by decode() can be passed. data = decode_file( "sample.json", allow_comments=True ) * encode_to_file: A convenience function 'encode_to_file()' has been added which wraps the 'encode()' function and which writes the resultant JSON document into a file. It will correctly open the file in binary mode and insure it is properly closed. By default encode the JSON will be encoded as UTF-8 unless otherwise specified with the 'encoding' option. All other options supported by encode() can be passed. This function will also refuse to overwrite any existing file unless the 'overwrite' option is set to True. encode_to_file( "sample.json", data, overwrite=True ) * Number radix: When reformatting with jsonlint, in non-strict mode, the original radix of numbers will be preserved (controlled with the '--[no]-keep-format' option). If a number in a JSON/JavaScript text was hex (0x1C), octal (0o177, 0177), or binary (0b1011); then it will stay in that format rather than being converted to decimal. $ echo '[10, 0xA, 012, 0b1010]' | jsonlint -f --nonstrict [ 10, 0xa, 012, 0b1010 ] Correspondinly, in the decode() function there is a new option 'keep_format' that when True will return non-decimal integer values as a type 'json_int'; which is a subclass of the standard int, but that additionally remembers the original radix format (hex,etc.). * Integer as Float: There is a new option, int_as_float, that allows you to decode all numbers as floating point rather than distinguishing integers from floats. This allows you to parse JSON exactly as JavaScript would do, as it lacks an integer type. demjson.decode( '123', int_as_float=True ) # => 123.0 * Float vs Decimal: You can now control the promotion of 'float' to 'decimal.Decimal' numbers. Normally demjson will try to keep floating-point numbers as the Python 'float' type, unless there is an overflow or loss of precision, in which case it will use 'decimal.Decimal' instead. The new option 'float_type' can control this type selection: float_type = demjson.NUMBER_AUTO # The default float_type = demjson.NUMBER_DECIMAL # Always use decimal float_type = demjson.NUMBER_FLOAT # Always use float Do note that if using NUMBER_FLOAT -- which disables the promotion to the decimal.Decimal type -- that besides possible loss of precision (significant digits) that numeric underflow or overflow can also occur. So very large numbers may result in 'inf' (infinity) and small numbers either in subnormal values or even just zero. Normally when demjson encounters the JavaScript keywords 'NaN', 'Infinity', and '-Infinity' it will decode them as the Python float equivalent (demjson.nan, demjson.inf, and demjson.neginf). However if you use NUMBER_DECIMAL then these will be converted to decimal equivalents instead: Decimal('NaN'), Decimal('Infinity'), and Decimal('-Infinity'). * Significant digits: When reformatting JSON, the jsonlint command will now try to preserve all significant digits present in floating-point numbers when possible. $ echo "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286" | \ jsonlint -f --quiet 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 * Decimal contexts: The Python 'decimal' module allows the user to establish different "contexts", which among other things can change the number of significant digits kept, the maximum exponent value, and so on. If the default context is not sufficient (which allows 23 significant digits), you can tell demjson to use a different context by setting the option 'decimal_context'. It may take several values: 'default' -- Use Python's default: decimal.DefaultContext 'basic' -- Use Python's basic: decimal.BasicContext 'extended' -- Use Python's extended: decimal.ExtendedContext 123 -- Creates a context with the number of significant digits. -- Any instance of the class decimal.Context. This option is only available in the programming interface and is not directly exposed by the jsonlint command. import decimal, demjson myctx = decimal.Context( prec=50, rounding=decimal.ROUND_DOWN ) data = demjson.decode_file( "data.json", decimal_context=myctx ) Note that Python's Decimal class will try to "store" all the significant digits originally present, including excess tailing zeros. However any excess digits beyond the context's configuration will be lost as soon as any operation is performed on the value. Version 2.1 - NOT RELEASED ============================ n/a Version 2.0.1 released 2014-05-26 ================================= This is a re-packaging of 2.0, after discovering problems with incorrect checksums in the PyPI distribution of 2.0. No changes were made from 2.0. Version 2.0 released 2014-05-21 =============================== This is a major new version that contains many added features and enhanced functionality, as well as a small number of backwards incompatibilities. Where possible these incompatibilities were kept to a minimum, however it is highly recommended that you read these change notes thoroughly. Major changes ------------- * Python 2.6 minimum: Support has been dropped for really old versions of Python. At least Python 2.6 or better is now required. * Python 3: This version works with both Python 2 and Python 3. Support for Python 3 is achieved with the 2to3 conversion program. When installing with or a PyPI distribution mechanism such as pip or easy_install, this conversion should automatically happen. Note that the API under Python 3 will be slightly different. Mainly new Python types are supported. Also there will be some cases in which byte array types are used or returned rather than strings. Read the file "docs/PYTHON3.txt" for complete information. * RFC 7159 conformance: The latest RFC 7159 (published March 2014 and which superseded RFCs 4627 and 7158) relaxes the constraint that a JSON document must start with an object or array. This also brings it into alignment with the ECMA-404 standard. Now any JSON value type is a legal JSON document. * Improved lint checking: A new JSON parsing engine has many improvements that make demjson better at "lint checking": - Generation of warnings as well as errors. - The position, line and column, of errors is reported; and in a standardized format. - Detection of potential data portability problems even when there are no errors. - Parser recovery from many errors, allowing for the reporting of multiple errors/warnings in one shot. * Statistics: The decoder can record and supply statistics on the input JSON document. This includes such things as the length of the longest string, the range of Unicode characters encountered, if any integers are larger than 32-bit, 64-bit, or more; and much more. Use the --stats option of the jsonlint command. * Callback hooks: This version allows the user to provide a number of different callback functions, or hooks, which can do special processing. For example when parsing JSON you could detect strings that look like dates, and automatically convert them into Python datetime objects instead. Read the file "docs/HOOKS.txt" for complete information. * Subclassing: Subclassing the demjson.JSON class is now highly discouraged as this version as well as future changes may alter the method names and parameters. In particular overriding the encode_default() method has been dropped; it will no longer work. The new callback hooks (see above) should provide a better way to achieve most needs that previously would have been done with subclassing. Data type support ----------------- * Python 3 types: Many new types introduced with Python 3 are directly supported, when running in a Python 3 environment. This includes 'bytes', 'bytearray', 'memoryview', 'Enum', and 'ChainMap'. Read the file "docs/PYTHON3.txt" for complete information. * Dates and times: When encoding to JSON, most of Python's standard date and time types (module 'datetime') will be automatically converted into the most universally-portable format; usually one of the formats specified by ISO-8601, and when possible the stricter syntax specified by the RFC 3339 subset. Example output is "2014-02-17". datetime.datetime Example output is "2014-02-17T03:58:07.692005-05:00". The microseconds portion will not be included if it is zero. The timezone offset will not be present for naive datetimes, or will be the letter "Z" if UTC. datetime.time Example output is "T03:58:07.692005-05:00". Just like for datetime, the microseconds portion will not be included if it is zero. The timezone offset will not be present for naive datetimes, or will be the letter "Z" if UTC. datetime.timedelta Example output is "P2DT6H17M23.873S", which is the ISO 8601 standard format for time durations. It is possible to override the formats used with options, which all default to "iso". Generally you may provide a format string compatible with the strftime() method. For timedelta the only choices are "iso" or "hms". import demjson, datetime demjson.encode(, date_format="%m/%d/%Y" ) # gives => "02/17/2014" demjson.encode(, datetime_format="%a %I:%M %p" ) # gives => "Mon 08:24 AM" demjson.encode( datetime.datetime.time(), datetime_format="%H hours %M min" ) # gives => "08 hours 24 min" demjson.encode( datetime.timedelta(1,13000), timedelta_format="hms" ) # gives => "1 day, 3:36:40" * Named tuples: When encoding to JSON, all named tuples (objects of Python's standard 'collections.namedtuple' type) are now encoded into JSON as objects rather than as arrays. This behavior can be changed with the 'encode_namedtuple_as_object' argument to False, in which case they will be treated as a normal tuple. from collections import namedtuple Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x','y']) p = Point(5, 8) demjson.encode( p ) # gives => {"x":5, "y":8} demjson.encode( p, encode_namedtuple_as_object=False ) # gives => [5, 8] This behavior also applies to any object that follows the namedtuple protocol, i.e., which are subclasses of 'tuple' and that have an "_asdict()" method. Note that the order of keys is not necessarily preserved, but instead will appear in the JSON output alphabetically. * Enums: When encoding to JSON, all enumeration values (objects derived from Python's standard 'enum.Enum' type, introducted in Python 3.4) can be encoded in several ways. The default is to encode the name as a string, though the 'encode_enum_as' option can change this. import demjson, enum class Fruit(enum.Enum): apple = 1 bananna = 2 demjson.encode( Fruit.bananna, encode_enum_as='name' ) # Default # gives => "bananna" demjson.encode( Fruit.bananna, encode_enum_as='qname' ) # gives => "Fruit.bananna" demjson.encode( Fruit.bananna, encode_enum_as='value' ) # gives => 2 * Mutable strings: Support for the old Python mutable strings (the UserDict.MutableString type) has been dropped. That experimental type had already been deprecated since Python 2.6 and removed entirely from Python 3. If you have code that passes a MutableString to a JSON encoding function then either do not upgrade to this release, or first convert such types to standard strings before JSON encoding them. Unicode and codec support ------------------------- * Extended Unicode escapes: When reading JSON in non-strict mode any extended Unicode escape sequence, such as "\u{102E3C}", will be processed correctly. This new escape sequence syntax was introduced in the latest versions of ECMAScript to make it easier to encode non-BMP characters into source code; they are not however allowed in strict JSON. * Codecs: The 'encoding' argument to the decode() and encode() functions will now accept a codec object as well as an encoding name; i.e., any subclass of 'codecs.CodecInfo'. All \u-escaping in string literals will be automatically adjusted based on your custom codec's repertoire of characters. * UTF-32: The included functions for UTF-32/UCS-4 support (missing from older versions of Python) are now presented as a full-blown codec class: 'demjson.utf32'. It is completely compatible with the standard codecs module. It is normally unregisted, but you may register it with the Python codecs system by: import demjson, codecs codecs.register( demjson.utf32.lookup ) * Unicode errors: During reading or writing JSON as raw bytes (when an encoding is specified), any Unicode errors are now wrapped in a JSON error instead. - UnicodeDecodeError is transformed into JSONDecodeError - UnicodeEncodeError is transformed into JSONEncodeError The original exception is made available inside the top-most error using Python's Exception Chaining mechanism (described in the Errors and Warnings change notes). * Generating Unicode escapes: When outputting JSON certain additional characters in strings will now always be \u-escaped to increase compatibility with JavaScript. This includes line terminators (which are forbidden in JavaScript string literals) as well as format control characters (which any JavaScript implementation is allowed to ignore if it chooses per the ECMAscript standard). This essentially means that characters in any of the Unicode categories of Cc, Cf, Zl, and Zp will always be \u-escaped; which includes for example: - U+007F DELETE (Category Cc) - U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN (Category Cf) - U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK (Category Cf) - U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR (Category Zl) - U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (Category Zp) - U+E007F CANCEL TAG (Category Cf) Exceptions (Errors) ------------------- * Substitutions: During JSON decoding the parser can recover from some errors. When this happens you may get back a Python representation of the JSON document that has had certain substitutions made: - Bad unicode characters (escapes, etc.) in strings will be substituted with the character U+FFFD , which is reserved by the Unicode standard specifically for this type of use. - Failure to decode a particular value, usually the result of syntax errors, will generally be represented in the Python result as the 'demjson.undefined' singleton object. * Error base type: The base error type 'JSONError' is now a subclass of Python's standard 'Exception' class rather than 'ValueError'. The new exception hierarchy is: Exception . demjson.JSONException . . demjson.JSONSkipHook . . demjson.JSONStopProcessing . . demjson.JSONError . . . demjson.JSONDecodeError . . . . demjson.JSONDecodeHookError . . . demjson.JSONEncodeError . . . . demjson.JSONEncodeHookError If any code had been using 'try...except' blocks with 'ValueError' then you will need to change; preferably to catch 'JSONError'. * Exception chaining: Any errors that are incidentally raised during JSON encoding or decoding, such as UnicodeDecodeError or anything raised by user-supplied hook functions, will now be wrapped inside a standard JSONError (or subclass). When running in Python 3 the standard Exception Chaining (PEP 3134) mechanism is employed. Under Python 2 exception chaining is simulated, but a printed traceback of the original exception may not be printed. The original exception is in the __cause__ member of the outer exception and it's traceback in the __traceback__ member. The jsonlint command -------------------- * The "jsonlint" command script will now be installed by default. * Error message format: All error messages, including warnings and such, now have a standardized output format. This includes the file position (line and column), and any other context. The first line of each message begins with some colon-separated fields: filename, line number, column number, and severity. Subsequent lines of a message are indented. A sample message might be: sample.json:6:0: Warning: Object contains duplicate key: 'title' | At line 6, column 0, offset 72 | Object started at line 1, column 0, offset 0 (AT-START) This format is compatible with many developer tools, such as the emacs 'compile-mode' syntax, which can parse the error messages and place your cursor directly at the point of the error. * jsonlint class: Almost all the logic of the jsonlint script is now available as a new class, demjson.jsonlint, should you want to call it programatically. The included "jsonlint" script file is now just a very small wrapper around that class. * Other jsonlint improvements: - New -o option to specify output filename - Verbosity is on by default, new --quiet option - Output formatting is cleaner, and has options to control indenting - Better help text Other changes ------------- * Sorting of object keys: When generating JSON there is now an option, 'sort_keys', to specify how the items within an object should be sorted. The equivalent option is '--sort' for the jsonlint command. The new default is to do a 'smart' alphabetical-and-numeric sort, so for example keys would be sorted like: { "item-1":1, "ITEM-2":2, "Item-003":3, "item-10":10 } You can sort by any of: SORT_SMART: Smart alpha-numeric SORT_ALPHA: Alphabetical, case-sensitive (in string Unicode order) SORT_ALPHA_CI: Alphabetical, case-insensitive SORT_NONE: None (random, by hash table key) SORT_PRESERVE: Preserve original order if possible. This requires the Python OrderedDict type which was introduced in Python 2.7. For all normal un-ordered dictionary types the sort order reverts to SORT_ALPHA. function: Any user-defined ordering function. * New JavaScript literals: The latest versions of JavaScript (ECMAScript) have introduced new literal syntax. When not in strict mode, demjson will now recognize several of these: - Octal numbers, e.g., 0o731 - Binary numbers, e.g., 0b1011 - Extended unicode escapes, e.g., \u{13F0C} * Octal/decimal radix: Though not permitted in JSON, when in non-strict mode the decoder will allow numbers that begin with a leading zero digit. Traditionally this has always been interpreted as being an octal numeral. However recent versions of JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) have changed the language syntax to interpret numbers with leading zeros a decimal. Therefore demjson allows you to specify which radix should be used with the 'leading_zero_radix' option. Only radix values of 8 (octal) or 10 (decimal) are permitted, where octal remains the default. demjson.decode( '023', strict=False ) # gives => 19 (octal) demjson.decode( '023', strict=False, leading_zero_radix=10 ) # gives => 23 (decimal) The equivalent option for jsonlint is '--leading-zero-radix': $ echo "023" | jsonlint --quiet --format --leading-zero-radix=10 23 * version_info: In addition to the 'demjson.__version__' string, there is a new 'demjson.version_info' object that allows more specific version testing, such as by major version number. Version 1.6 released 2011-04-01 =============================== * Bug fix. The jsonlint tool failed to accept a JSON document from standard input (stdin). Also added a --version and --copyright option support to jsonlint. Thanks to Brian Bloniarz for reporting this bug. * No changes to the core demjson library/module was made, other than a version number bump. Version 1.5 released 2010-10-10 =============================== * Bug fix. When encoding Python strings to JSON, occurances of character U+00FF (ASCII 255 or 0xFF) may result in an error. Thanks to Tom Kho and Yanxin Shi for reporting this bug. Version 1.4 released 2008-12-17 =============================== * Changed license to LGPL 3 (GNU Lesser General Public License) or later. Older versions still retain their original licenses. * No changes other than relicensing were made. Version 1.3 released 2008-03-19 * Change the default value of escape_unicode to False rather than True. * Parsing JSON strings was not strict enough. Prohibit multi-line string literals in strict mode. Also prohibit control characters U+0000 through U+001F inside string literals unless they are \u-escaped. * When in non-strict mode where object keys may be JavaScript identifiers, allow those identifiers to contain '$' and '_'. Also introduce a method, decode_javascript_identifier(), which converts a JavaScript identifier into a Python string type, or can be overridden by a subclass to do something different. * Use the Python decimal module if available for representing numbers that can not fit into a float without loosing precision. Also encode decimal numbers into JSON and use them as a source for NaN and Infinity values if necessary. * Allow Python complex types to be encoded into JSON if their imaginary part is zero. * When parsing JSON numbers try to keep whole numbers as integers rather than floats; e.g., '1e+3' will be 1000 rather than 1000.0. Also make sure that overflows and underflows (even for the larger Decimal type) always result in Infinity or -Infinity values. * Handle more Python collection types when creating JSON; such as deque, set, array, and defaultdict. Also fix a bug where UserDict was not properly handled because of it's unusual iter() behavior. Version 1.2 released 2007-11-08 =============================== * Changed license to GPL 3 or later. Older versions still retain their original licenses. * Lint Validator: Added a "jsonlint" command-line utility for validating JSON data files, and/or reformatting them. * Major performance enhancements. The most signifant of the many changes was to use a new strategy during encoding to use lists and fast list operations rather than slow string concatenation. * Floating-Point Precision: Fixed a bug which could cause loss of precision (e.g., number of significant digits) when encoding floating-point numbers into their JSON representation. Also, the bundled test suite now properly tests floating-point encoding allowing for slight rounding errors which may naturally occur on some platforms. * Very Large Hex Numbers: Fixed a bug when decoding very large hexadecimal integers which could result in the wrong value for numbers larger than 0xffffffff. Note that the language syntax allows such huge numbers, and since Python supports them too this module will decode such numbers. However in practice very few other JSON or Javascript implementations support arbitrary-size integers. Also hex numbers are not valid when in strict mode. * According to the JSON specification a document must start with either an object or an array type. When in strict mode if the first non-whitespace object is any other type it should be considered to be an invalid document. The previous version erroneously decoded any JSON value (e.g., it considered the document "1" to be valid when it should not have done so. Non-strict mode still allows any type, as well as by setting the new behavior flag 'allow_any_type_at_start'. * Exception Handling: Minor improvements in exception handling by removing most cases where unbounded catching was performed (i.e., an "except:" with no specified exception types), excluding during module initialization. This will make the module more caller-friendly, for instance by not catching and "hiding" KeyboardInterrupt or other asyncrhonous exceptions. * Identifier Parsing: The parser allows a more expanded syntax for Javascript identifiers which is more compliant with the ECMAscript standard. This will allow, for example, underscores and dollar signs to appear in identifiers. Also, to provide further information to the caller, rather than converting identifiers into Python strings they are converted to a special string-subclass. Thus they will look just like strings (and pass the "isinstance(x,basestring)" test), but the caller can do a type test to see if the value originated from Javascript identifiers or string literals. Note this only affects the non-strict (non-JSON) mode. * Fixed a liberal parsing bug which would successfully decode JSON ["a" "b"] into Python ['a', 'b'], rather than raising a syntax error for the missing comma. * Fixed a bug in the encode_default() method which raised the wrong kind of error. Thanks to Nicolas Bonardelle. * Added more test cases to the bundled self-test program (see test/ There are now over 180 individual test cases being checked. Version 1.1 released 2006-11-06 =============================== * Extensive self testing code is now included, conforming to the standard Python unittest framework. See the INSTALL.txt file for instructions. * Corrected character encoding sanity check which would erroneously complain if the input contained a newline or tab character within the first two characters. * The decode() and encode() top-level functions now allow additional keyword arguments to turn specific behaviors on or off that previously could only be done using the JSON class directly. The keyword arguments look like 'allow_comments=True'. Read the function docstrings for more information on this enhancement. * The decoding of supplementary Unicode character escape sequences (such as "\ud801\udc02") was broken on some versions of Python. These are now decoded explicitly without relying on Python so they always work. * Some Unicode encoding and decoding with UCS-4 or UTF-32 were not handled correctly. * Encoding of pseudo-string types from the UserString module are now correctly encoded as if real strings. * Improved simulation of nan, inf, and neginf classes used if the Python interpreter doesn't support IEEE 754 floating point math. * Updated the documentation to describe why this module does not permit multi-line string literals. Version 1.0 released 2006-08-10 =============================== * Initial public release