There are 2 ways to update your theme:



  • Before updating theme, please check changelogsand make a backup of your theme folders, files, and database.
  • You can also update included plugins


Use Nitro auto-update

Note: You can only use theme auto-update after validating your purchase code.

Every time there is a theme update, you will receive a notification in your WordPress Dashboard.

There are 2 methods to install updated version right from your WordPress Dashboard.


Method 1: install from theme list

Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes

Step 2: find Nitro theme. Click on “Update now” to update new version of Nitro.



Method 2: from Nitro theme details

Step 1: go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes, click on “view theme details” to open Nitro theme details box

Step 2: click on “update now” to update new version. You can also view changelogs for this version here



Use Manual Update

First, you need to download theme updates files from ThemeForest. Then, upload files onto your WordPress site via FTP or via WordPress installation.


Download Theme Updates on ThemeForest

Step 1: Log into your ThemeForest account, and navigate “Download” tab.


Step 2: download either the entire Nitro files and documentation, or just the WordPress installation files only into your computer.

Step 3: after downloading theme updates, you can choose to either install theme updates via FTP or via WordPress installation.


Install theme updates

WordPress Update Installation

Notice: Your database and content will not be erased or lost during theme update.

Step 1: Deactivate your current Nitro theme version. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Themes. Then activate another theme.

Step 2: Delete the old Nitro theme. Hover your mouse over the Nitro theme thumbnail. Click “Theme Details”, then click the red “Delete” button.

Step 3: Get the file you have downloaded from ThemeForest.
Note: if you have downloaded the main file, you have to unzip that file to get the Nitro .zip theme file.

Step 4: Install Nitro theme update. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.Click “Add New” button on theme list, click “Upload Theme”, then browse to file on your computer.

Step 5: Once the upload completes, click “Activate” to activate Nitro.


FTP Update Installation

Notice: please backup all your theme files and database before installing updates.

Step 1: Log into your server, then navigate to wp-content > themes folder. Then save a copy of your Nitro theme folder onto your computer. You can also delete it. Your content will not be erased or lost.

Step 2: Unzip the file and use only the extracted Nitro theme folder. Drag and drop the updated Nitro theme folder into wp-content > themes folder.

Step 3: Upload the extracted Nitro theme folder onto wp-content>themes folder.