This element allows you to automatically generate image feed from your Dribbble, Flickr, and Instagram.

  • Network: 3image stream networks
    • Dribbble
    • Flickr
    • Instagram
  • User ID: your image stream account ID
  • Instagram Access Token (enabled with Instagram network only): enter the token, generate the token here
  • Layout: 2 layouts
    • Masonry: enter number of items you want to set larger
    • Grid
  • Columns: choose number of columns to display image
  • Per Page: enter only number of images per page
  • Gutter Width (px): the space between 2 images, enter the gutter width number only
  • Enable shot info (disabled with Flickr network): show number of likes, comments, and image name
    • Info style: inside or outside image
    • Mask overlay: color of image when you hover mouse
  • Text color: color of info text
  • Enable Carousel: if you enable this, layout settings will be disabled
  • Item: enter number of items on the screen
  • Autoplay: autoplay image stream
