If you want to change settings for a specific page, please go to page editting screen on your WordPress Dashboard. Here you can change page settings for:



In “General” tab, you can change settings as follows:

  • Use Global Settings: disable all settings for page options. When enabled, this page will apply global settings as on Live Customizer
  • Stretch Row And Content: stretch row and content to fit with browser window
  • Select Header: pick up a header for this page. You can create new headers or add elements to page header on Header Builder.
  • Content Width: change width for content section (in px, or in percentage)
  • Gutter Width: change width between 2 columns
  • Offset Width: change with for page offset
  • Offset Background Color: change background color for page offset
  • Enable Boxed Layout: using boxed layout for page. When enabled, you can also pick up page’s background on “Page Content” tab


Note: If you want to make changes for all pages, switch to “Pages” tab on Live Customizer



Page Title

In “Page Title” tab, you can change all settings for page title. In order to show settings for page title, you have to turn on page title first.

  • Enable Full Width: enable full-width layout for page title
  • Layout: pick up a layout for page title
  • Show Breadcrumb: show or hide page breadcrumb
  • Description: enter description text below page title
  • Padding Top: change top padding for page title
  • Padding Bottom: change bottom padding for page title
  • Min Height: change minimum height for page title
  • Heading Style: change text style for page title
  • Heading Text Size: change text size for page title
  • Heading Line Height: change height for page title line
  • Heading Letter Spacing: change letter spacing for page title
  • Description Style: change text style for description text
  • Description Text Size: change text size for description text
  • Description Line Height: change height for description text line
  • Description Letter Spacing: change letter spacing for description text
  • Normal Color: change normal color for page title
  • Link Color: change color for page title when it goes with a link
  • Background Color: change background color for page title
  • Background page: change background image for page title
  • Background Position: change position for background
  • Background Repeat: choose to repeat page title’s background or not And if yes, which style for background repeat
  • Background Size: change image size for background
  • Background Attachment: change sticky style for background image
  • Parallax Background: turn on parallax effect for page title’s background
  • Mask Overlay Color: change mask overlay color for page title’s background



Page Content

In “Page Content” tab, you can change all settings for main body content area.


  • Sidebar Layout: change sidebar layout for page content
  • Inner Background Color: add background color for main body content


Some options only visible when enabling “Boxed Layout” on General tab

  • Outer Background Color: set outer background color for main page content
  • Outer Background Image: choose outer background image for main page content
  • Background Position: pick up a position to display background on main page content
  • Background Repeat: choose to repeat background or not on main page content
  • Background Size: pick up a background size style for main page content
  • Background Attachment: pick up a background attachment style for main page content