This element allows you to add buttons to anywhere you like on a page.


Normal Stateartboard-1-copy-12

    • Content
      • Button text
      • Link: enter link URL and link title
    • General settings
    • Text style
      • Font family: 2 options
        • Use theme default font family: use global font family settings. go to Typography on Live Customizer to change the default font family
        • Use custom font: pick up a font from the dropdown menu
      • Font size (px): enter only font size number
      • Font style: 2 styles
        • Normal
        • Italic
      • Text transform
        • None: no text transformation
        • Uppercase
        • Capitalize
      • Button alignment: 3 alignment styles
        • Left
        • Center
        • Right
      • Color
    • Border settings
      • Border width (px): only enter border width number
      • Border styles: only available if border width >0px
        • Solid
        • Dashed
        • Dotted
        • Double
      • Border radius (px): only enter border radius number
    • Spacing
      • Line height: enter the line height with either px or %
        • Px: fix line height on all screen sizes
        • %: flexible line height on all screen sizes
      • Padding left + right (px): enter the left and right padding number only. 2 possible cases
        • Enter only a number: the left and right padding number are the same
        • Enter one number for left padding and one number for right padding (e.g: 3-4)
      • Letter spacing (px): enter only letter spacing number
      • Margin top (px): enter only top margin number
      • Margin right (px): enter only right margin number
      • Margin bottom (px): enter only bottom margin number
      • Margin left (px): enter only left margin number
    • Icon settings: check “Enable Icon” to display icon settings
      • Icon Library: pick up an icon library
      • Icon
      • Color
      • Position: 2 positions
        • Left
        • Right
      • Icon size (px): enter only icon size number



Hover stateartboard-1-copy-12


    • Text color
    • Border color
    • Background color
    • Icon color