With this element, you can add a content block with masonry layout anywhere on your site.

To create a content block with Masonry Layout, follow these 3 steps:

Step 1: Add Masonry Layout element

  • Number of columns: choose from 3 to 8
  • Enable border outline: choose border color
  • Gutter width (px): enter gutter width number only


Step 2: Add Masonry Element

  • Element Size
    • Small Square
    • Large Square
    • Rectangle (Portrait)
    • Rectangle (Landscape)


Step 3: Add Content

There are 14 types of element that can be added to your Masonry content block:

  • Text Block
  • Icon
  • Nitro Custom Heading
  • Icon Box
  • Member
  • Blockquote
  • Counter Up
  • Google Maps
  • Subscription Form
  • Banner
  • Product
  • Nitro Carousel
  • Blog Post
  • Gallery