With List element, you can put a content list anywhere on your site. Below are all settings for this element.


  • List style:5 list styles
    • None
    • Square Bullet
    • Dot Bullet
    • Number
    • Icon
  • List content: add content for each list item
  • Icon: only displays when list style is “icon”
  • Icon color: only displays when list style is “icon”
  • Text: enter content for a list item
  • Link to: add both the destination’s URL and title


Design settings

  • Line spacing: the space between 2 list item. Enter only line spacing number
  • Enable divider: divider settings only available when divider is enabled
      • Divider style: 8 divider styles
        • Solid
        • Dotted
        • Dashed
        • Double
        • Groove
        • Ridge
        • Inset
        • Outset
      • Divider width: 3 divider width styles
        • 1px
        • 2px
        • 3px
      • Divider color
  • Enable icon border:border settings only availablewhen list style is “icon”
      • Border style
        • Solid
        • Dotted
        • Dashed
        • Double
        • Groove
        • Ridge
        • Inset
        • Outset
      • Border width: 3 border width styles
        • 1px
        • 2px
        • 3px
      • Border radius: enter only the icon border number
      • Border color