This element allows you to display a Google map to your stores anywhere on your live site

  • Maps API: click here to get the key
  • Address
  • Zoom level: enter number between 0-20
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

Note: to get Latitude and Longitude information of the address

  • Go to Google Maps, search for the address
  • Right click on address marker, choose “What’s here?”
  • Latitude is the former number, Longitude is the latter


  • Width (px): enter width number only
  • Height (px): enter height number only
  • Map marker: upload image or use default marker
  • Info box: enter text, you can also use to bold or to insert line break
  • Always show info box
  • Draggable: enable to that you use mouse to drag around the map
  • Show traffic
  • Hide control
  • Scroll wheel zooming: you can use mouse scroll to zoom in the map
  • Map Type: 4 types
    • Roadmap
    • Satellite
    • Hybrid
    • Terrain
  • Map style:5 styles
    • None
    • Subtle Grayscale
    • Blue water
    • Pale Dawn
    • Shades of Grayartboard-1-copy-21