In order to receive premium support, and free lifetime theme updates, you have to activate your purchase code. Here is how to do that.


Step 1: Get purchase code

Go to your ThemeForest items page. On Downloads tab, find Nitro theme. Click on “License certificate & purchase code (text), and download the license certificate text file.
You can download either the PDF or text file. Both of them contains your purchase code.


Open the license certificate text file, and find “item purchase code”. Copy this purchase code.



Step 2: validate purchase code

go to Dashboard > Nitro. Then get into Product Registration, and fill in your information as follows:


  • Customer Name: your name
  • Customer Email: email address from the ThemeForest account that you have used to purchase Nitro
  • Purchase Code: paste the Nitro purchase code from step 1 here.

Then click “Validate” button to continue.


Step 3: final confirmation from Envato

You’ll be redirected to Envato’s login screen. Login to the Envato account that you have spent to purchase Nitro (also the account that contain your Nitro purchase code) in order to finish purchase activation.