Buy Now

This element allows you to add one or multiple products with “Buy Now” button.

  • Select identificator: select products to add “buy now” button
  • Checkout type: choose a type
    • Checkout with current product only
    • Checkout with all products in cart
  • Payment information: select a style for payment information page
    • Show modal popup
    • Redirect to checkout page
  • Button type: 2 types
    • Solid
    • Outline
  • Button text

Note: you can also turn on “Buy Now” button for all products via Live


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Product Attribute

Product Attribute quickly shows all product sharing a common attribute.

Here’s the Product Attribute for all products with size L.

  • Per page: enter number of product items per page
  • Columns: choose from 1 to 10 columns
  • Enable Slider: use slider for product list
  • Layout: choose from 4 layout options
    • Grid
    • Bordered grid
    • Masonry
    • List
    • Item style: choose from 5 styles
  • Hover style: choose from 4 styles
    • Default
    • Scale Image
    • Mask Overlay
    • 2-Image Preview
  • Order by: choose from 8 order options
    • Date
    • ID
    • Author
    • Title
    • Modified
    • Random
    • Comment count
    • Menu order
  • Sort order: change order sorting to ascending or descending order
  • Attribute: choose attribute’s name to filter products
  • Filter: filter product list based on attributeenable-full-width-copy-2

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Order Tracking Form

Here’s the Order Tracking Form.enable-full-width-copy-3

By default there are no settings, just make sure that you enabled Visual Composer and used the correct shortcode.enable-full-width-copy-4


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Products quickly shows all products in a list with thumbnail image and name.


  • Order: choose from 7 order types
    • All products
    • Recent products
    • Featured products
    • Sale-off products
    • Best selling products
    • Top rated products
    • Category
  • Products: add products by ID or title
  • Per page: enter number of product items per page, enter -1 to show all
  • Columns: enter number of columns for product list
  • Enable slider: use slider for product list
  • Order by: choose from 8 order options
  • Sort order: order sorting as ascending or descending
  • Layout: choose from 5 layout options
    • Grid
    • Bordered Grid
    • Masonry
    • List With Big Thumbnail
    • List With Small Thumbnail
  • Style: choose from 5 styles
  • Hover style: choose from 4 style options
    • Default
    • Scale Image
    • Mask Overlay
    • 2-Image Previewenable-full-width-copy-5

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With Product element, you can add a single product section anywhere on your site.


  • Select identificator: enter product ID, SKU, or title
  • Style: choose from 5 styles to display product
  • Hover style: choose a hover style for product item
    • Default
    • Scale Image
    • Mask Overlay
    • 2-Image Preview
  • Enable countdown for sale product: display countdown timer (you have to set up sale schedule in product first)


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Add To Cart

With this element, you can add the “add to cart” element anywhere on your site.


  • Button Alignment: 3 alignment styles
    • Left
    • Right
    • Center
  • Select identificator: enter product ID, SKU, or title to be added to cart button
  • Circle icon: display icon in a circle
  • Enable wishlist button: display wishlist buttonenable-full-width-copy-7

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Product Categories

Product Categories quickly shows all categories in a list with thumbnail image and name.


  • Title: enter title for ele
  • Exclude: enter IDs of categories to exclude from this section


  • To display only 1 product category, use Product Category element.
  • To change the thumbnail of each Product Category, go to WooCommerce > Products > Categories > Edit category > Thumbnailenable-full-width-copy-8

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Product Category

With Product Category, you can showcase your main categories to help customers find them more easily.


  • Product Category: pick up a product category to display
  • Show Count: show or hide number of items in that product category


To display multiple product categories , use Product Categories element.

To change the thumbnail of Product Category, go to WooCommerce > Products > Categories > Edit category > Thumbnail


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Product Menu

Use Product Menu shortcode to show a product list from a defined category.


  • Menu title: title for product menu
  • Sub-menu Title: subtitle for product menu
  • Product Category: the product category that is used for product menu
  • Per page: number of product items per page
  • Style: pick up a style for the product menu
  • Order by: order product items by ascending or descending
    • Date
    • ID
    • Author
    • Title
    • Modified
    • Random
    • Comment count
    • Menu order

Also choose ascending or descending orderenable-full-width-copy-10


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Product Package

With Product Package shortcode, you can set product bundles and encourage the customers to buy set of different products.

Products: enter ID, SKU, or title of the products you want to display to see suggestions


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