
Spotlight is used to make animated image banner.




  • Heading: type the heading for spotlight image
  • Link: insert a URL for your spotlight image
  • Normal image: upload normal image
  • Spotlight image: upload the spotlight image. This image will be displayed

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This element allows you to show a video anywhere on your live site. Here’s an example:

  • Video Source: Youtube or Vimeo
  • Link to video: enter video URL
  • Style
    • Video Screen Preview
    • Player Icon: choose icon color
    • Image thumbnail: upload thumbnail
    • Video width (px): enter video width number only
    • Video align: 3 alignment styles
      • Left
      • Right
      • Center
  • Shadow: choose from 9 styles
  • Play in popup: when you press play, video will be played in a popup windowartboard-1-copy-11

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Nitro Button View Demo

This element allows you to add buttons to anywhere you like on a page.


Normal Stateartboard-1-copy-12

    • Content
      • Button text
      • Link: enter link URL and link title
    • General settings
    • Text style
      • Font family: 2 options
        • Use theme default font family: use global font family settings. go to Typography on Live Customizer to change the default font family
        • Use custom font: pick up a font from the dropdown menu
      • Font size (px): enter only font size number
      • Font style: 2 styles
        • Normal
        • Italic
      • Text transform
        • None: no text transformation
        • Uppercase
        • Capitalize
      • Button alignment: 3 alignment styles
        • Left
        • Center
        • Right
      • Color
    • Border settings
      • Border width (px): only enter border width number
      • Border styles: only available if border width >0px
        • Solid
        • Dashed
        • Dotted
        • Double
      • Border radius (px): only enter border radius number
    • Spacing
      • Line height: enter the line height with either px or %
        • Px: fix line height on all screen sizes
        • %: flexible line height on all screen sizes
      • Padding left + right (px): enter the left and right padding number only. 2 possible cases
        • Enter only a number: the left and right padding number are the same
        • Enter one number for left padding and one number for right padding (e.g: 3-4)
      • Letter spacing (px): enter only letter spacing number
      • Margin top (px): enter only top margin number
      • Margin right (px): enter only right margin number
      • Margin bottom (px): enter only bottom margin number
      • Margin left (px): enter only left margin number
    • Icon settings: check “Enable Icon” to display icon settings
      • Icon Library: pick up an icon library
      • Icon
      • Color
      • Position: 2 positions
        • Left
        • Right
      • Icon size (px): enter only icon size number



Hover stateartboard-1-copy-12


    • Text color
    • Border color
    • Background color
    • Icon color

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This element allows you to automatically generate image feed from your Dribbble, Flickr, and Instagram.

  • Network: 3image stream networks
    • Dribbble
    • Flickr
    • Instagram
  • User ID: your image stream account ID
  • Instagram Access Token (enabled with Instagram network only): enter the token, generate the token here
  • Layout: 2 layouts
    • Masonry: enter number of items you want to set larger
    • Grid
  • Columns: choose number of columns to display image
  • Per Page: enter only number of images per page
  • Gutter Width (px): the space between 2 images, enter the gutter width number only
  • Enable shot info (disabled with Flickr network): show number of likes, comments, and image name
    • Info style: inside or outside image
    • Mask overlay: color of image when you hover mouse
  • Text color: color of info text
  • Enable Carousel: if you enable this, layout settings will be disabled
  • Item: enter number of items on the screen
  • Autoplay: autoplay image stream


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Blog Post

This element allows you to display a section for blog posts anywhere on your live site.

  • Order by: 7 order typesRecent posts
    • Post ID
    • Title
    • Last modified date
    • Random order
    • Number of comments
    • Special post
  • Sort order: descending or ascendingExclude post: enter titles of posts you don’t want to show
  • Exclude post: enter titles of posts you don’t want to show
    Note: with Order type “Special posts”: enter titles of posts you want to show
  • Layout: 6 layouts
    • Standard
    • Horizontal
    • List
    • Minimal
    • Inner content
    • Zigzag
  • Total posts: Enter total number of blog posts that you want to display. Enter “-1” to display all posts.
  • Number of columns displayed: choose from 1 to 6Gutter: drag to expand or narrow the space between 2 blog posts, Max gutter size is 100px.
  • Gutter: drag to expand or narrow the space between 2 blog posts, Max gutter size is 100px.
  • Enable slider (disabled for Zigzag layout): a tab for Slider settings will appear next to General tab


Slider settings

    • Enable Navigation
    • Enable Pagination
    • Autoplay
      • Autoplay interval timeout: enter number only for time between autoplays, time unit is millisecond (ms)
      • Pause on mouse hover


Display settings

  • Display excerpt
  • Display meta post
  • Show Read more
  • Display divider: choose color for divider
  • Heading font size: enter number only, size unit is px
  • Excerpt length by word: enter number of words from the post you want to display
  • Content alignment: 3 alignment styles
    • Left
    • Right
    • Centerartboard-1-copy-15

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Pricing Table

A pricing table includes one or multiple pricing item(s). Each pricing item is a cell that contains your content. In each pricing item, there are a heading, a description text (only for some styles, and options).

General settings

Here is how to set up a Pricing Table:

  • Step 1: Add Pricing Table element, pick one from 4 styles
    • Style 1
    • Style 2
    • Style 3
    • Style 4
  • Step 2: Add Pricing Item: you can also edit, delete, duplicate, and change order of Pricing Items in a Pricing Table

Settings for pricing item

To set up a pricing item, you have to configure

  • Featured Item: checked item will have a different color setting
  • Heading
  • Description: disabled for Style 1
  • Price: enter price number only
  • Unit: enter pricing unit ($, USD, JPN, etc.)
  • Value: type value for each pricing item (e.g: month, day, week, package, etc.)
  • Show icon
  • Options: A section for options is considered as a checklist.
    • Choose icon and add option text
    • Add, duplicate, delete, change order of options
    • Enable/disable/choose icon for options
  • Button text
  • Button link

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With this countdown element, you can put a countdown timer anywhere on your site.



  • Style: 2 stylesartboard-1-copy-17
    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
  • Destination time: enter the ending time with year, month, and date
  • Background color
  • Number color
  • Time unit color: change color for time units (days, hours, mins, etc.)
  • Enable line
  • Space between timer (px): enter space number only

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Social icons

With Social Icons element, you can add social network icons anywhere on your site.

Here are all settings for it:


    • Style: select a global style for all social icons. There are 7 icon styles:
      • Default
      • Square
      • Circle
      • Rounded
      • Square Outline
      • Circle Outline
      • Rounded Outline
    • Display Multi Colors: when enabled, the icon’s color settings will be auto-selected as default branding color. No color customizations needed
    • Size: select a global size for all social icons. There are 3 sizes:


  • Normal
  • Large


Note: For each icon style, there are different color settings

  • Default
    • Icon Color
    • Icon Hover Color
  • Square, Circle, Rounded
    • Icon Color
    • Background Color
    • Icon Hover Color
    • Background Hover Color
    • Square Outline, Circle Outline, Rounded Outline
    • Icon Color
    • Border Color
    • Icon Hover Color
    • Border Hover Color


Social Network

Only when adding link for an icon, the icon will be displayed on live site.
(E.g: in order to display Facebook icon, you must have to add link to your Facebook fanpage)

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Counter Up

Here is an example of using Counter Up sample on your live site.

Here are settings for Counter Up.

To display a Counter Up, you have to:

  • Enable/disable horizontal layout
  • Enable Icons
  • Add text and style for title
  • Add text and style for number
  • Add text and style for description


Horizontal layout

This is a counter up with horizontal layout.

To enable horizontal layout, click on the “Enable horizontal layout” checkbox.



Here is an icon on your counter up.

To enable icon, click on the “Enable Icon” checkbox. Then you can choose icon, or choose size and color for you icon.



This is a title on your live site.

To edit title for your counter up, type your text here.artboard-1-copy-43

You can also change font size and color for the title right below.


Here is a number on your counter up.

This number will be automatically counted up from 0 to a maximum number in settings. After reaching that maximum number, the counter up will be stopped.

You can enter the maximum number here.artboard-1-copy-45

You can also change size and color for your number here.


This is a description on your counter up.

You can enter the text or change size and color for your description here.


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Masonry Layout


With this element, you can add a content block with masonry layout anywhere on your site.

To create a content block with Masonry Layout, follow these 3 steps:

Step 1: Add Masonry Layout element

  • Number of columns: choose from 3 to 8
  • Enable border outline: choose border color
  • Gutter width (px): enter gutter width number only


Step 2: Add Masonry Element

  • Element Size
    • Small Square
    • Large Square
    • Rectangle (Portrait)
    • Rectangle (Landscape)


Step 3: Add Content

There are 14 types of element that can be added to your Masonry content block:

  • Text Block
  • Icon
  • Nitro Custom Heading
  • Icon Box
  • Member
  • Blockquote
  • Counter Up
  • Google Maps
  • Subscription Form
  • Banner
  • Product
  • Nitro Carousel
  • Blog Post
  • Gallery

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