
Nitro Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing them. You can also change and preview settings for each page on your site here.


Open Customizer

There are 2 methods to open Nitro Customizer.

  1. Click on Customize button on top sidebar.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize.


Expert Mode

By default, you can only see live preview while you are opening the right tab on the right page. For example, you cannot see changes for product category page when you’re still on Homepage. That’s why we hide settings for inactive pages.1-1But if you want, you can still enable settings for the inactive page. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Hover and click on “Expert Mode” to turn on Live Customizer for the inactive page.
  2. On Customizer, open “System” tab, then turn on “Enable Expert Mode”.

Note: Turning on “Expert Mode” on “System” tab in method 2 will be synchronized with that on Method 1.


Customization Tabs

Follow below links to learn how to customize a section using Live Customizer:

  • General: general settings for your whole site
  • Layout: change settings for design layouts
  • Typography: all you need to change text areas
  • Color: everything related to color can be edited here
  • Header: pick up a global header for all your pages. To add, manage, or edit headers, open Header Builder on your WordPress Dashboard)
  • WooCommerce: include all magic for eCommerce pages, like product category, product details, cart page, checkout page
  • Blog: change settings for blog list and blog detail pages
  • Pages: global settings for page, including “404” page
  • Footer: pick up footer for each sidebar area and copyright text (to create or change footer widgets, go to “Widgets” tab)
  • System: everything related to system for your site can be edited here: change front-page, custom CSS, etc.
  • Menus: change content and settings for all menus (you can also change menu’s content in “Widgets” tab)
  • Widgets: customize content for all widgets on your site


Note: all changes in Live Customizer will be applied to all pages that are using “Global Settings“. To change settings for a specific page, please click here.

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In this panel, you can customize settings for your overall live site. To view settings for any sub-panels, click on below links:


Site Identity

In this sub-panel, you can change global site’s information.

  • Site title: change site’s title
  • Tagline: change site’s tagline


  • Site icon: change icon for your site.



Inthissub-panel, you can quickly insert links to your social channels. Social icons of channels which include links will be displayed on every social icon area on your site.2


Page Loading Effects

In this sub-panel, you can change the loading style of your site.

There are 3 loading options:



CSS Animation

There are 12 CSS animations
This is how CSS Animation loading effect works.image05



This is how image loading effect works.


Widget Styles

In this sub-panel, you can customize widget style, with specific settings for each one.

You can also customize widget color by clicking on the bottom button.
There are 4 widget styles:


Style 1


  • Enable background
  • Enable border
  • Enable divider for widget titleartboard-1-copy-5


Style 2


  • Enable background
  • Enable border
  • Enable divider for widget title


Style 3


  • Enable border


Style 4



Pagination Style

In this sub-panel, you can change style for your pagination.

There are 3 pagination styles:


Style 1artboard-1-copy-4


Style 2artboard-1-copy-9


Style 3artboard-1-copy-10

Back to top button

“Back to top” button helps you instantly scroll up to the top of any page on your site.
When enable “Back to top” button, you can see all settings for this button.26

With the “Back to top” button, you can set:

You can also customize button color by clicking on the bottom button on this sub-panel.


There are 3 button shapes:







There are 2 styles: Light and Dark.




Button Size18

Icon Sizelive_general

Back To Top


In this sub-panel, you can customize:



In this sub-panel, you can customize

You can also edit color and typography of layout by clicking on 2 buttons at the bottom of this sub-panel.


Offset width

Offset width is in pxpages

Content width

Content width is in px or %


Gutter width

Change the width between 2 sections.pages-copy-2

Enable boxed layout

When enabling boxed layout, you can display a padding around the main wrapper and can apply a custom background to your page’s body content.

Note: When enabling boxed layout:

  • Changing offset width means changing the width of the whole page wrapper. When disabling boxed layout, changing content width means changing only the width of all elements inside page wrapper.
  • Content width remains unchanged


You can also edit color and typography of layout by clicking on 2 buttons at the bottom of this sub-panel



Page Title




Show page title

When enabling page title, you can see all settings for page title.



There are 5 layout styles.


Style #1pages-copy-5

Style #2pages-copy-6

Style #3pages-copy-7


Style #4pages-copy-8


Style #5layout-copy-5


Show breadcrumblayout


Min height

Setting Minium height for page title


You can also edit color and typography of layout by clicking on 2 buttons at the bottom of this sub-panel








Paddings are in px.layout-copy-2


Border radius

Border radius is in px.layout-copy-3


Border width

Border width is in px.layout-copy-4

You can also edit color and typography of layout by clicking on 2 buttons at the bottom of this sub-panel.


Back To Top


[‘Here you can customize typography:


You can customize text style for Body Text and Heading Text.
To customize color or layout for these 2 kinds of text, you can click the buttons at the bottom of each sub-panel.


Body fonts

    • Body font type: change font type for body text
      • You can choose google fonts, standard fonts or Custom fonts
      • Custom fonts support file with format: eot, otf, ttf, woff, woff2
    • Body text size: drag to change size for body text
    • Body line height: change height between 2 text lines on body text
    • Body letter spacing: change spacing between 2 letters on body



Heading font

    • Heading font type: change font type and style for heading text
      • You can choose google fonts, standard fonts or Custom fonts
      • Custom fonts support file with format: eot, otf, ttf, woff, woff2
    • Heading base size: change size for all headings. This means changing all your headings in an appropriate ratio (no need to manually change size for each heading)
    • Heading line height: change height between 2 text lines on heading
    • Heading letter spacing: change spacing between 2 letters on heading


To customize color or layout, you can click the buttons at the bottom of each sub-panel


Page Title


  • Heading style: pick up a style for heading
    • I: Italic
    • U: Underline
    • T: Uppercase
  • Heading text size: change size for heading text
  • Heading line height: change height between 2 text lines for heading
  • Heading letter spacing: change spacing between 2 letters for headingtfr

To customize color or layout, you can click the buttons at the bottom of each sub-panel




  • Style: pick up a style for button text
    • I: Italic
    • U: Underline
    • T: Uppercase
  • Text size: change size for button text
  • Line height: change height between 2 text lines for button text
  • Letter spacing: change spacing between 2 letters for button text13

To customize color or layout, you can click the buttons at the bottom of each sub-panel




  • Text font: pick up a font for quote text
  • Text style: pick up a style for quote text

To customize color or layout, you can click the buttons at the bottom of each sub-panel

Back To Top


In this sub-panel, you can change general color settings for:



In this section, you can change general color settings sfor your site, including:


Color profiles

3 predefined color profiles, plus 1 custom profile for you to save your own color profile.

Light (1)11


Light (2)12





  • Outer Body BG: set background color for outer body
  • Inner body BG: set background
  • Secondary BG: set secondary background
  • Form fields BG: set background for form fields
  • Offset BG: set offset background
  • Outer Body BG image: set background for out


  • Main: set main color tone
  • Text: set color for body text
  • Heading: set color for heading text



  • Entry meta: set color for entry meta text



  • Line: set color for all lines



You can also edit layout and typography by clicking on 2 buttons at the bottom of this sub-panel.



Page Title

In this panel, you can change color style for page title, including:


Use general color

When enabled, you can apply color settings in “General” tab for page title.
If you want to customize text color for page title only, disable this option.7




Background color6


Background image

Upload background image

  • Background Size
    • Auto
    • Cover
    • Contain
  • Background Repeat
    • No repeat
    • Repeat
      • Repeat X
      • Repeat Y
  • Background Position
    • Left Top
    • Left Center
    • Left Bottom
    • Right Top
    • Right Center
    • Right Bottom
    • Center Top
    • Center Center
    • Center Bottom
  • Background Attachment
    • Scroll
    • Fixed
  • Parallax Background
  • Mask Overlay Color



  • Text: change color for body text
  • Heading: change color for heading text
  • Link: change color for links
  • Hover: change color for link hover




You can also edit layout and typography by clicking on 2 buttons at the bottom of this sub-panel.




In this sub-panel, you can change color style for primary and secondary buttons.



Primary buttons are buttons that take you to a new page. You can customize primary button including:



Change primary color for background4


Background hover

Change primary color for background on mouseover


  • Text:Change primary color for text
  • Text hover:Change primary color for text on mouseover
  • Border: Change primary color for all borders
  • Border hover:Change color for border on mouseover


  • Background: change secondary color for background
  • Background hover: change secondary color for background on mouseover
  • Text: change secondary color for text
  • Text hover: change secondary color for text on mouseover
  • Border: change secondary color for all borders


You can also edit layout and typography by clicking on 2 buttons at the bottom of this sub-panel.




Here you can change color style for footer and footer bottom, including:

When enabled, you can apply color settings in “General” tab for Footer. If you want to customize text color for footer only, disable this option.
Main footer content1

  • Background color
  • Background image: select image for background
    • Background Size
      • Auto
      • Cover
      • Contain
  • Background Repeat
    • No repeat
    • Repeat
      • Repeat X
      • Repeat Y
  • Background Position
    • Left Top
    • Left Center
    • Left Bottom
    • Right Top
    • Right Center
    • Right Bottom
    • Center Top
    • Center Center
    • Center Bottom
  • Background Attachment
    • Scroll
    • Fixed
  • Parallax Background
  • Mask Overlay Color


Footer Bottom

  • Text: change color for text
  • Background color: change footer’s background color
  • Link: change link color
  • Link hover: change link hover color

You can also customize footer widget by clicking on the button at the bottom of this sub-panel.

Back To Top


In this panel, you can pick up a header for all your pages.

Display a header


To display a default header for all pages on your site, pick up a header from below list.

You can also add a default header for a specific page. Click here to learn how to do it.header

Configure a header

To configure a header, go to Header Builder settings.

Back To Top


In this panel, you can customize all settings for WooCommerce elements.

Please notice that all changes in this panel will only affect WooCommerce pages, including:




In this section, you can live configure general settings for all WooCommerce pages and elements.




Note: you can also use “buy now” button for one or several products anywhere on your site by using Buy Now shortcode.


Enable catalog mode


When enabled, no one can see eCommerce buttons (add to cart, buy now, quick view, compare). Your eCommerce site will turn into an online catalog.


When catalog mode is enabled, you can disable product price as well as add acustom CTA button.


Disable price

Show or hide price in Product List or Product Details pageecommerce-copy-2


Enable custom button

In Product Details page, you can add a button with the following options:ecommerce-copy
Button text: insert text on button

  • Button type:
    • Simple text or link: insert action for button such as link or email address etc.
    • Contact Form 7: select form, only work with Contact Form 7 plugin


Disable wishlist/buy now

  • #1 Enable/disable wishlist: show/hide wishlist icon on each product item





  • #3 Enable “buy now” button: when enabled, there’ll be a “buy now” button being added to each product item. You can configure how this “buy now” button works



Icon set

Pick up a predefined eCommerce icon set for all WooCommerce elements

Note: you can also use “buy now” button for one or several products anywhere on your site by using Buy Now shortcode.


Product Category

In this sub-panel, you can customize settings for product category.






Show page title

Show or hide page titletitle


Sidebar layout

Pick up a layout for product category page. There are 3 sidebar layouts.


Layout 1slidebar-layout1


Layout 2slidebar-layout2


Layout 3slidebar-layout3


Sidebar width

Change the width for sidebar. If you choose “no sidebar” option above, this option won’t be shown



Enable sticky sidebar

Make sidebar sticky.



Sidebar above product list

Pick up a sidebar above product list

To create a new sidebar or change sidebar content, go to Widgets panel on Live Customizer, or go to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.



Sidebar below product list

Pick up a sidebar below product list.layout-copy-5

To create a new sidebar or change sidebar content, go to Widgets panel on Live Customizer, or go to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.


Customize widget styles

You can also customize Widget styles for your product detail page by clicking on this button.



Product List

With this sub-panel, you can customize:



There are 3 product list layouts: Grid, Masonry, and List.





Enable border wrap

Use border wrap around each product itemboder boder2

Number of columns

There are 3 options for number of columns:







Column gutter width


Enable full width

Enable full-width layout style for product list page

Enable item animation

Turn on animation effect for product items

Number of products per page

Change total number of product items per page

Pagination type

There are 3 pagination types.





Load Morepagination2


Infinity scroll



Product Item

Here you can pick up a layout as well as hover effect for each product item on product category page.



There are 6 layouts for a product item.


Layout 1


Layout 2


Layout 3


Layout 4


Layout 5



Layout 6



Hover effects

There are 4 hover effects for your product item:


Notice: if your choose product list layout #4, you cannot set hover effect.

There is no hover effect at all.hover-none


Zoom Inimage30


Mask Overlayimage27

2-image Previewimage56


Product Details

On this sub-panel, you can configure your product detail item page, including:





  • #1 Enable floating “add to cart”: make “add to cart” button always display no matter how you scroll mouse up and down
  • #2 Enable social share: turn on social sharing


  • Sidebar above product details: pick up a sidebar above product details areasidebar-above-product-list



  • Sidebar below product details: pick up a sidebar below product details arealayout-copy-7


Main Information




There are 5layout styles for main information area.


Layout 1layout1



Layout 2layout2

With layout 2, you can:


Sidebar layout

There are 3 sidebar layouts:



Left sidebarslidebar-layout1



With left sidebar, you can customize sidebar, including:


Pick up sidebar content

To create a new sidebar or change sidebar content, go to Widgets panel on Live Customizer, or go to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.pickup-slide-bar


Change sidebar width

Sidebar width is in pxsidebar


Enable sticky sidebar
Keep the sidebar display when scrolling downsticky


Customize widget styles

you can also customize Widget styles by clicking on this button.custom


Right sidebarslidebar-layout3With right sidebar, you can make customizations like on left sidebar, including:


Thumbnail position
There are 3 thumbnail positions: Left, Right, Bottom







Enable zooming on mouse hover

When enabled, you can make zooming effect on mouse hover.

You can customize zooming options, including:


Zooming type
There are 3 zooming types: Window, Inner, and Lens.



With this zooming type, you can change width and height for the zooming window.layout-copy-8



Enable mousewheel zoom

When enabled mousewheel zoom, you can make zooming just by scrolling your mousewheel.mouse


Enable easing

When enabled easing, your zooming movements will be smoother.easing


Layout 3layout3


Layout 4layout4


With this layout, you can pick up background color for main product section.color


Layout 5

This layout is used for digital download niche, but you can still use it for your product detail page if you like.layout5

Extra Information


  • #1 Show description: show product descriptionshow-des


  • #2 Show attributes: show product attributesattriibuilt


  • #3 Show reviews: show review arearevie


Other Products

In this section, you can customize:



Show upsell productslayout-copy-10


Show recently viewed productslayout-copy-9

Number of products to show

Number of products is from 1 to 6relate-size


Cart Page


Sidebar above cart pagelayout-copy-11


Sidebar below cart pagerelate-size-copy-2


Checkout Page

Sidebar above checkout formlayout-copy-12


Sidebar below checkout formlayout-copy-13



Thank You Page

You can write your own thank you page by clicking “Set Content” button. HTML tags are allowed



Mobile layout

Besides using responsive desktop layout, you can setup a special shop layout on mobile devices. We highly recommend you to use this mobile layout to ensure the most friendly user experience on mobile devices.

On this section, you can setup mobile layout for:

Product category

This is a product category layout on mobile.



With this shop page, you can:


Show or hide product categories widget





Show or hide sidebar widget. When enabling sidebar widget, you can pick up a sidebar content







There are 2 layouts for product category: Grid and List



With grid layout, you can pick up number of product item columns. There are 2 options for number of columns:











Product details

With product detail, you can enable or disable sticky function of “add to cart” button.




Back To Top


In this panel, you can customize all settings for blog list and single post.


Blog list

In this sub-panel, you can customize all settings for blog list, including:


There are 4 layouts:

Layout 1layout1

Item styles

With Layout 1, there are 2 blog item styles: transparent and with background.



With backgrounditem-style2

You can change blog item’s background color in “Secondary Background” on Color settings.

Layout 2layout-2

Item styles

With this blog list layout, there are 2 item styles: transparent and with background.


Item style 1 – Transparentitem-style-1

Item style 2 – With backgrounditem-style-2

You can change blog item’s background in “Secondary Background” on Color settings.

Layout 3layout-3

Layout 4layout-4

With this style, there are 3 options for number of columns, and 2 item styles.


Number of columns

There are 3 options for number of columns:






Item style

There are 2 blog item styles: transparent and with background.

item-style1 With backgrounditem-style2


Enable full width

When enabled, all single blog post items will be displayed full-width of blog page.enable-full-width-copy


Sidebar layouts

There are 3 sidebar layouts: no sidebar, left sidebar, and right sidebar.


No sidebarblog


Left sidebarblog-copy

With this sidebar, you can pick up sidebar content, change sidebar width or enable sticky sidebar.


To create a new sidebar or change sidebar content, go to Widgets panel on Live Customizer, or go to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.

You can also customize widget styles.


Sidebar width is in px. From 250 to 575pxsidebar

When enabled, your sidebar won’t be disappeared when scrolling mouse down.


Right sidebarblog-copy-2

All options for right sidebar is like those in left sidebar.


Single post

In this sub-panel, you can customize all settings for single blog post, including settings for single post title and single post content.


Single post title

  • Layout
  • Font size
  • Padding top & padding bottom



There are 2 layouts for single blog post title.


Layout 1blog-copy-3

Layout 2blog-copy-4
With this layout, you can setup post title’s background to full

Font size

Font size is in px, from 12 to 80pxblog-copy-6

Padding top & padding bottom

Padding is in px, from 0 to

Single post content

Here you can edit content and sidebar layout, including:

Sidebar layout

There are 3 sidebar layouts, including:


Note: with Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar layout, you can also edit sidebar content and width


No sidebarblog

Left sidebarblog-copy

Right sidebarblog-copy-2

Show social sharingblog-copy-8

Show author infoblog-copy-9

Show post navigationblog-copy-10


Show comment areablog-copy-11


To create a new sidebar or change sidebar content, go toWidgetspanel on Live Customizer, or go toWP Dashboard > Appearance >


Sidebar belowpost

To create a new sidebar or change sidebar content, go toWidgetspanel on Live Customizer, or go toWP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.


Back To Top


In this panel, you can customize settings for:

Standard Page

In this sub-panel, you can customize standard page, including:


Note: this change will be applied for all pages using “global settings”. You can also change settings for a specific page.

Sidebar layout

There are 3 sidebar layouts:

With Left and Right sidebar layout, you can choose sidebar content, change sidebar width, as well as enable sticky sidebar.


No sidebarartboard-1-copy-2

With left and right sidebar layouts, you can pick up a sidebar content.

To create a new sidebar or change sidebar content, go to Widgets panel on Live Customizer, or go to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets

Sidebar width is in px. From 250 to 575px

When enabled, your sidebar won’t be disappeared when scrolling mouse down.artboard-1-copy-3

This is how sticky sidebar works.image06

You can also customize widget styles.artboard-1-copy-9

“404” page

In this sub-panel, you can customize your page 404, including:




Insert your content for the page 404. You can use HTML code here.enable-full-width

Show search form

Tick this checkbox if you want to display search form on page 404.enable-full-width-copy-2


For background color, image, text size and color.enable-full-width-copy

Back To Top


In this panel, you can edit Archive Gallery or Single Gallery.


Archive Gallery

In this sub-panel, you can customize your gallery list page, including:



Change gallery slug textenable-full-width-copy-5

  • Layout: pick up a layout for gallery list
  • Thumbnail shape: change shape for image thumbnails


Layout 1

Thumbnail shape #1


Thumbnail shape #2blog-copy

Thumbnail shape #3




  • Columns: pick up number of columns for gallery list
  • Number of item per page: change number of image item per page


Space between items

Increase/decrease space between 2 itemsenable-full-width-copy-8


There are 2 styles for gallery item’s title.


Style 1

Style 2

Enable slider for thumbnail / Enable full-width

  • Enable slider for thumbnail: enable or disable slider for image thumbnail
  • Enable full-width: turn on full-width for gallery layout



Enable filter & filter alignment

Turn on gallery filter, then set alignment for filter. There are r3 filter alignment layouts:


Align Filter Left

Center Filterblog-copy-5

Align Filter Rightblog-copy-6

Single Gallery

In this sub-pane, you can customize your single gallery item, including:


Layout/ Thumbnail shape

  • Layout: pick up a layout for single gallery item
  • Thumbnail shape: change thumbnail shape for gallery


Layout 1blog-copy-7

Layout 2

Layout 3

Layout 4

Enable full-width

Turn on full-width for gallery layout




Pick up number of columns for gallery listblog-copy-11

Space between items

Increase/decrease space between 2 itemsenable-full-width-copy-8



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