WordPress Information

To use Nitro theme, you must have a working WordPress already installed.

Watch the below video from WooCommerce.com to learn how to install WordPress, or click on below links to learn more about how to use WordPress.


WooCommerce video – a visual guide on how to install WordPress.


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WooCommerce Information

After having WordPress installed, you need to install WooCommerce plugin.
Watch the below video or follow below links to learn how to install and use WooCommerce.


WooCommerce 101 Video Series – a step-by-step guide onsetting up your own WooCommerce store, created by WooThemes.


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Nitro Theme Requirements

Before using Nitro Theme, you need to make sure that your server, hosting, WooCommerce and WordPress meet Nitro theme requirements.


For hosting, Nitro requires at least:

Always create secure passwords for FTP and Database.


For server, we recommend Apache or Nginx as 2 most popular server for running WordPress. Any server that supports PHP and MySQL can also be a good choice.


For better security, please check your hosting provider to ensure the security of your WordPress account. Hosting is more secured when running PHP applications like WordPress.

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What’s Included

After purchasing the theme from ThemeForest, you have to download Nitro theme files from your ThemeForest account. Navigate to your Download tab on ThemeForest and find Nitro. Click the download button to see 2 options:

  • Main Files: contains everything that you’ve got when purchasing Nitro
  • Installation WordPress file only: contains only WordPress theme installation file


What you will receive when picking up a download option:

Main files

    • Documentation Folder: contain offline documentation HTML files
    • Licensing Folder: contain all Nitro theme license files
    • Plugins Folder: contains installation files for all plugins that are packed in Nitro theme package (including plugins by WooRockets team and third-party plugins)
    • Nitro Themes Folder: contains WR-Nitro-install.zip and WR-Nitro-child.zip WordPress Theme. The child theme is used only when you need to made code changes
    • Child Theme: contains all sections that are included on Parent Theme. This child theme is used to make code changes without affecting Parent Theme and your data. Click here to learn more about how to use child theme.


Installation WordPress file

  • WR-Nitro-install.zip: This is the main Nitro WordPress Theme file. Use this file to install Nitro via WordPress. If you want to install it via FTP, unzip it first, then use the extracted folder.

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Item Support Policy

How to receive support?

Up ’til now, we provide support via a chat box service called Intercom. Unlike forum support or email support, Intercom

To request a new support request, please click here.


Read the documentation first

We have the Online Documentation site to collect detailed information about theme usage. The Online Documentation also collect most frequently asked technical issues that Nitro users occur while using the theme.

Therefore, before submitting a support request, please check the Online Documentation site. This helps you be more active in finding the solution anytime.


Item support period

By default, every Nitro item, whether regular or extended license, is included 6-month support and free lifetime updates for your theme.

After 6-month support, you have to purchase a new 6-month or 12-month support package to continue receiving support from us.

If you don’t renew extended support, you still can access our online and offline documentation, as well as support product improvement requests.


Our staff members can

  • Do bug fixings
  • Support theme usage


Our staff members cannot

  • Provide support in another environment out of Intercom
  • Provide their IP Addresses, under any circumstances
  • Provide their personal information, such as full name, locations, social accounts, etc.
  • Provide any guarantees when providing support
  • Set a specific time to support and use screen sharing applications


Item Support Exclusions

We cannot provide support for:


Item Support Schedule

We try our best to provide fastest and highest quality for customer support. However, this is not always possible due to time zone differences. Response time can vary from time to time and can be up to 06 hours from Monday to Friday and up to 24 hours for Sat and Sun.


For Customers

To receive the best support quality, please follow some rules:

  • Use polite language when communicating for support request
  • Describe your problems as detailed as possible (screenshots are highly recommended)
  • In some cases, leave your site URL with temporary admin account
  • If you don’t hear our responses in few minutes, or have to go offline, leave your email address so that we can contact you back easily

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Third-party Plugin Compatibility

Here’s the list of all third-party plugins that have been tested compatibility with Nitro.


General plugins

  • WordPress Multisite

WooCommerce plugins


WordPress plugins

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Activate Your Purchase

In order to receive premium support, and free lifetime theme updates, you have to activate your purchase code. Here is how to do that.


Step 1: Get purchase code

Go to your ThemeForest items page. On Downloads tab, find Nitro theme. Click on “License certificate & purchase code (text), and download the license certificate text file.
You can download either the PDF or text file. Both of them contains your purchase code.


Open the license certificate text file, and find “item purchase code”. Copy this purchase code.



Step 2: validate purchase code

go to Dashboard > Nitro. Then get into Product Registration, and fill in your information as follows:


  • Customer Name: your name
  • Customer Email: email address from the ThemeForest account that you have used to purchase Nitro
  • Purchase Code: paste the Nitro purchase code from step 1 here.

Then click “Validate” button to continue.


Step 3: final confirmation from Envato

You’ll be redirected to Envato’s login screen. Login to the Envato account that you have spent to purchase Nitro (also the account that contain your Nitro purchase code) in order to finish purchase activation.

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Welcome Screen

We have included a welcome screen on your WordPress dashboard to make it easy to navigate everything about Nitro.


  • Sample Data tab: This is where you can install any demo of Nitro you like
  • Plugins tab: This is where you can install, activate, or uninstall any WooRockets or third-party plugins
  • Product Registration tab: This is where you can validate your purchase code to receive premium support and theme updates
  • Support tab: This is where you can access all supporting materials for Nitro

Note: in order to install “Sample Data” and “Plugins” tab, you have to activate your purchase first.


Sample Data tab

Under Sample Data tab, you can install or uninstall any demos that we have included in your Nitro theme package.

Up till now, there are 18 demos. More demos will be included in upcoming Nitro versions.



Some notices

  • All sample data are similar to real shops, so you can use them right away without too much customizations
  • All images as you have seen on demos are available on sample data just for the purpose of previewing. That means you cannot reuse them for commercial purpose


Plugins tab

Under Plugins tab, you can activate, install, or uninstall any plugins that have been packed in Nitro theme package. Some plugins are built by WooRockets team, while others are third-party plugins.


Note: for the first time you install Nitro, please click on “Install All Recommended Plugins” to bulk install all must-have plugins to get Nitro run well.



Product Registration tab

Under Product Registration tab, you can validate your purchase to get premium support and auto theme updates.



Click here to learn how to validate your purchase.


Support tab

Under Support tab, you can find all supporting materials for Nitro.



Up till now, there are 2 ways you can get supported from us:

  • Documentation: online documentation site with visual images explanations to help you setup and maintain your eCommerce site easily
  • Forum: interactive chat box on Nitro landing page. You will receive support from every member in WooRockets team
  • Video Tutorials: coming soon

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Extras (for W3 Total Cache)

If you use W3 Total Cache plugin, please follow this guide to know how to setup this plugin to work well with Nitro.

Step 1: On WP Dashboard sidebar, click on User Agent Group.



Step 2: Click on Create a group



Then enter group name



Step 3: Pick up theme as “WR Nitro”



Step 4: Enter this below text into “User agents”


Then click “Save Settings & Purge Caches”


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